


Music & Words | MaCavity's Cat

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In 1988 the English band MaCavity’s Cat stormed a sold out ‘MeanFiddler’ when The Men They Couldn’t Hang failed to appear. MaCavity’swere immediately booked for the ‘Reading Festival 1989’. They startedthe day to a riotous reception that ensured they were booked on thespot to reappear the following year. MaCavity’s Cat are one of the fewbands ever to play three consecutive Readings!

MaCavity’s Cat, described as the ‘finest cider and curry band in theUK’, is indeed a very popular live band. They played universities,clubs, festivals, did tv-appearances on BBC and ITV and were also onthe Mary Costello radio shows (amongst others). They have played quitea lot in Holland. They did the prestigious New Year’s Eve Slot at theMelkweg, Amsterdam and they played the Oerolfestival several times.They even dedicated one of their songs, Merangue, to the small Dutchisland of Terschelling, where this festival was held. Now they aregetting their paws into Belgium, where they were welcomed by anexstatic crowd.

Their ‘manic mixture of jigs, blues, country, swing, skiffle, bluegrassand shitkicking hoedown’ (as put by the Mean Fiddler’s organisationsmagazine) ensures that the band always gets invited back.

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