


Music & Words | Mizpah

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Mizpah (Hebrew word meaning: `wherever you are, may goodfortune be with you') is a very well chosen band name. Mizpah has hadvery good fortune since they began in 1992. In a relatively shortamount of time, they have built a formidable live reputation forthemselves.

Scottish singer Julie Scott and Dutch guitarist Paul van den Heuvelbegan playing together in 1992 and by the end of 1993 the band wasseven members strong. Shortly thereafter, Mizpah began invading theclub stages. Mizpah's musical style, folk influenced rock, has broughtcomparisons with bands like the Walkabouts and the Levellers fromvarious music jourmalists. Comparisons with Fairport Convention wouldnot be totally out of place, either, although the band never heardtheir name or music before. The band members' own musical backgroundsrange from classical to rock and punk, helping to create a sound uniqueto Mizpah.

Mizpah have been touring the club circuit in Holland with great successfor three years now.They've played all the clubs, several big festival(A Campingflight to Lowlands Paradise amongst others), toured with LukaBloom and the Walkabouts and have done numerous radio appearances.

I'm Here is the name of their first album. Producers PeterVermeersch and Pierre Vervloesem, both from Belgian indie-rocksensation dEUS, have done a great job commiting Mizpah's unique soundto the digital domain. Their first single Collapse also holds the song Lucy, which will not be released on the album.


In January 1998 Mizpah released their second album This glorious day.The album was produced by Noël Sies. It got very good reviews, also inthe UK. Some very important music journalists were confronted with somerecent Dutch releases and picked out Mizpah and Solex as themost remarkable bands. Unfortunately the reviews didn't help the bandto get enough concerts and later that year they split. Too bad, forsuch an adventurous original band.......

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